Clearing Methods

Clearing Methods

The entry and clearance of a room can be facilitated in many ways, these can be classified into two major types, Deliberate and Dynamic.

Deliberate Clearing (Quiet)

In deliberate clearing our main objective is to clear and obtain as much information about a room before stepping inside it. This is a silent method and is very useful if you don't want to trigger a whole structure with your presence.

The point man will pie the door, pieing is a technique in which the person moves slowly across a doorway taking in as much information as they can while slowly peeking at small slices of the room in succession. This will be done from outside the room, taking great care to not telegraph their position. While this is happening the two man will gradually take the point man's previous angle. When point man is done pieing the room, a decision has to be made, taking into account that the point man just saw most of the room, he is the one with the most information about it. He will make the decision on how the entry is going to go, he can make entry himself, in which case the team will flow off of him (this is the default assumption by the team). He can signal the two man to make the initial entry, the reasons will be covered in the training, but in this case two man would become point man, and the previous point man would now become two man. The signal to cede the entry to the two man is putting your weapon in high ready. This is the signal to the two man to make entry himself and flow across. This is not a suggestion. This is an order. If the point man raises his muzzle, two man must make entry and flow across, barring extreme circumstances. If at any point during the pieing of the room, the point man receives contact or deems the action too dangerous to continue he will bail to either side of the threshold, more specifically to whichever is closest to him at that particular point. If he is past the mid point of the threshold the opposite side might be closest cover he has. This is to be determined by the point man in the moment, in this cases keep in mind that the most important thing is to limit our exposure to uncleared angles as much as possible.

Dynamic Clearing (Loud)

In contrast to deliberate clearing in which we want to remain concealed and we want as much information about a room before making entry, dynamic clearing is where we make entry with limited information about a room, in this case the dangers of CQB get amplified. That's why in dynamic clearing prepping (preparing) the room before the entry is of the utmost importance, this allows us the time to take dominance of the room before any hostiles can react.