Nonverbal Communications

Nonverbal Communication

Very often, given the nature of the SPECTRE Task Force’s missions, operations are required to be carried out without the use of verbal communication. The current set of tool-based nonverbals are listed below.


  • Soft Contact or Object of interest: (IR Laser / Visible Laser): Circle (lasso) around the target.
  • Hard Contact (IR Laser / Visible Laser): Solid laser on target (signals to other operators that you have control of the target).
  • Action Confirmation (IR Laser / Visible Laser): Vertical laser up and down across the door / object of interest. ( | )
  • Action Cancelation (IR Laser / Visible Laser): Horizontal laser left and right across the door / object of interest.(-------)


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  • Pull call / Last man (IR Illuminator / Flashlight): Blinking light at the individual until they pull. When under nods, once they pull, shine IR Laser so they don't accidentally cross the line of fire.

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  • Stack Set / Stack Move (IR Illuminator / Flashlight): Solid flash past the point man. Performed only by TL or 2IC. (NOTE FROM VOODOO: I think this should only be move. could get confusing if 2IC calls stack set and the TL doesn't want to move just yet.)
  • Direction of travel (used by TL) (IR Illuminator / Flashlight): Solid light in the direction of travel, only goes off once the mayority of the stack is moving in that direction.



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  • Request for a flashbang (IR Illuminator / Flashlight): 2 flashes (fast) at top of door.
  • Negative response for flashbang request: (IR Illuminator / Flashlight): single solid flash above the door (hold 2 seconds).

Fragmentation Granades

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  • Request for a Fragmentation Granade: (IR Laser / Visible Laser): Circle (lasso) above the door.
  • Negative response for fragmentation granade: (IR Laser / Visible Laser): Solid laser on top of the door (hold 2 seconds).

Breaching Charges

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  • Request for a Breaching Charge (IR Laser / Visible Laser): Circle (lasso) on the door.
  • Negative response for Breaching Charge request (IR Laser / Visible Laser): Solid laser on the door, used when equipment is not available (hold 2 seconds).

Canceling & Confirming a Deployable (TL or Point)

  • Confirming. Vertical laze up and down across the door. ( | )
  • Canceling. Horizontal laze left and right across the door.(-------)

All other nonverbals are CQB Related and are covered in that section