

A LOCSTAT is a comprehensive report of a unit or element’s location, present and future. It is typically used for coordinating location and timing more so than actual action. It includes the following, in order:

  • Who is reporting.
  • Who they are with, and how many.
  • Where they are (Exact location or Relative location using cardinal direction).
  • Where they are going (Exact location or Relative direction using cardinal direction).

An example of a successful LOCSTAT report is as follows:

"ACTUAL, Bravo lead plus four is currently static approximately 130 meters west of target building. We’re beginning our approach towards the target building, moving directly East at this time, how copy?”

A SITREP is a comprehensive report of a unit or element’s situation. It is used for determining a unit’s position, current action, future action, and potential need for assistance. It includes the following, in order:

  • Who is reporting
  • Who they are with, and how many
  • Where they are (Exact location or Cardinal Relevance)
  • What is happening (Engaging contacts, surveying an area, holding short, etc.)
  • What is going to happen (Next on the agenda)
  • What they need (assistance from other elements if applicable)

An example of a successful SITREP is below:

"ACTUAL, Bravo lead plus four is currently 60 meters west of rally point. Working to get eyes on potential ambush groups stationed southwest of our current position. We’ll be moving south to secure the western flank before rendezvousing. Requesting overwatch from any element that can assist during our approach, how copy?”