Laser and Light Discipline

Laser and Light Discipline

Using Visible Lights and Lasers

Operators should only use weapon-mounted flashlights and lasers when needed; prolonged and unnecessary use may expose a team’s position to enemies, or distract / inhibit other operators. It is highly recommended to set a “pressure keybind” on your mouse or keyboard; holding down your light keybind will activate the flashlight only for the duration of the keypress, and is highly effective for clean light discipline.

Using IR Lights and Lasers

IR Lights should be used the same as visible lights, except with the understanding that they will not telegraph an operator’s position to enemies not using night-vision or other IR detecting devices. They can also be used for increased visibility with night-vision in extremely-low / zero lighting environments.

IR Lasers should only be used under two conditions:

  • You are actively indicating an object or area of interest to a team lead or other operator.
  • You are actively tracking / aiming at a target and awaiting confirmation to engage from your team lead.

IR Lasers and IR Illuminators can be detrimental to a pointman’s ability to effectively cover his sector, if not responsibly used.